Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The new Apple TV version will appear with the next generation iPhone?

The new generation of iPhone product announcement event will be held on the 9th month, Apple will release new hardware TVnewly equipped.According to Apple Insider.

TechCrunch website is presented by Matthew Panzarino received information from sources related products, according to Apple Apple TV hardware has been adjusted to improve A8 processor as the iPhone 6 series phones to improve TV interface. In addition, he said Siri, who powered past on the iPhone will be available in this new generation of televisions that can answer with users via the Microphone, which is fitted on the new technology products.

However, the information that has emerged this source is not sure 100 percent. Want to know what Apple will announce its Apple TV, with more modern technology or have to wait 9 next month.


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